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MCServerTime | Top Minecraft Servers List

MCServerTime is an amazing Minecraft server list that provides Minecraft server owners with FREE/PAID Minecraft server advertising solutions. Paid options are affordable and proven to increase server popularity and exposure! Voters may receive rewards for voting through linking votifier onto your server listing, through the control panel. By allowing players to vote for your server, your server will gain a higher ranking on our front page (as well as relevant Minecraft server type tags), which will hopefully improve the popularity and playerbase of your Minecraft server!

How do I vote for a server?

To vote for a server visit the server's page and click the green "Vote" button. You will then be required to complete a Captcha for security reasons, and you can also enter your Minecraft username in order to receive in-game rewards on the server, of which is determined by the Minecraft server owner (Assuming that they have votifier enabled & linked). You can vote for each server every 4 hours.

What is Votifier?

Votifier is a server plugin that allows Minecraft server owners to know when you have voted for them. Server owners can enable/link Votifier when adding or editing a server. More information can be found on the official votifier plugin page.

How do I add my server to the list?

To add a server you must first create an account using your email address. Once you have done so, log in and click the "Add a server" button via the control panel and enter the Minecraft server details. You can only add a server if you are the owner OR if you have been given permission by the Minecraft server owner themselves.

There is an error when adding my server!

Make sure you have entered the Minecraft server IP address and port correctly. Often errors are caused by either typos when entering server details or website bugs. If it is the latter, or you are still having problems and/or need further help adding your server please Contact Us.

Why is the players count not showing/updating correctly on my server page?

In order for MCServerTime to display a Minecraft server's player count correctly, you must set enable-query to true in your server.properties file. The query.port should be set to the same port as that of your server. It may take a few minutes once this has been enabled for the player count to update on your server page.

Why has my server been deleted?!

MCServerTime reserves the right to delete any server from its Minecraft server list with or without prior notice. A server may be removed for a number of reasons including (but not limited to) suspicious voting activity, inappropriate server details and low server uptime.

Why have votes for my server disappeared?

Votes are reset for all servers on the 1st of every month to provide fair competition for new Minecraft servers.

What are "Sponsored Servers?"

Sponsored servers are servers that have purchased a sponsored position on MCServerTime above the main list on the homepage. Sponsored Minecraft servers are always listed at the top of any page and as such, has a high level of exposure/traffic directed to them. Sponsored server positions are LIMITED and may be auctioned off OR available for purchase directly via the "Sponsored" tab of the control panel. For more information please see Sponsored.

What are "VIP Servers?"

VIP servers are servers that have purchased a VIP status on MCServerTime. VIP servers receive perks/bonuses on their server pages. E.g. A special VIP tag which allows particular Minecraft servers to stand out as well as a one-time server vote boost (note, this one-time boost does NOT carry over the following months of which the VIP was purchased). For more information please see VIP.

Still got questions?

Feel free to contact us directly on any of our social media, OR submit a ticket at Contact Us.

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