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Hyper-Core Colonies
Owner C0r3y
Status online
IP minecolonies.hyper-core.net
Website https://hyper-core.net
Players 2/1024
Version 1.21
Rank 98
Votes 1
Uptime 100%
Last Check 7 day(s) ago
Country Canada
Types RoleplayCommunityDynmapModdedLand Claim

CurseForge Client Download: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/hyper-core-mc-server-modpack
Mine Colonies Wiki - https://wiki.minecolonies.ldtteam.com/

MineColonies is an interactive building mod that allows you to create your own thriving town within Minecraft. It lets your leadership skills soar by providing you with everything you need to build your kingdom. MineColonies gives you the flexibility to create a colony as unique as every player. With so many options, you’ll create a different colony every time, adapt to any biome, build inside a mountain, on top of one, under the ocean, or in the sky. Players command NPCs to automate tasks such as building, gathering natural resources, crafting to fulfill the colony's needs, and guarding the colony from outside threats.

Custom schematic system, Structurize, allows completely free placement of structures within the colony's boundary and holographic preview of of them before placement. Choose from over 1,300 schematics provided

Robust permissions system offers the multiplayer experience that you want with a variety of grief protection levels, allowing you to collaborate on a single colony with friends, create alliances

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