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KantoMMO - The 3D Pokémon MMORPG!
Owner KantoMMO
Status offline
IP KantoMMO.serv.gs
Website https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-CnnndJKmE
Players 0/0
Version 1.12.2
Rank 2054
Votes 0
Uptime 99.3%
Last Check 3 year(s) ago
Country United Kingdom
Types PixelmonMCMMOEconomyPvEPvP

Welcome to KantoMMO, a 3D-inspired Pokémon MMORPG based on the original Gameboy Games.

This features the original layout of the Map/Island of Kanto and the first 150 Pokémon able for capture! (eventually!)

So far, this Demo covers most content up to Level 20 and Pewter City/Mt.Moon which includes: -

Main Story/Questline

Side Quests


HUGE Dungeons that increase in difficulty as you progress + Unique Dungeon Rewards

Hundreds of NPCs that makes the world feel alive with individually typed/scripted dialogues

Kanto Gym Challenge


First 10 Players get a FREE SHINY STARTER!

Upcoming/Planned features: - Cerulean Expansion, Player-owned Gyms + Homes/Plots - World Arena for Unique PvP and Breeding rewards - Elite 4 Challenge - New Areas/Expansions - Daily/Weekly Events + Mo' Quests

Discord - https://discord.gg/cTTrT2f

Modpack Direct Link - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/buvdq098vc1ox4r/KantoMMO%20MODPACK.zip

Server IP - KantoMMO.serv.gs

Youtube Trailer - https://youtu.be/S-CnnndJKmE

MC Version - 1.12.2

Forge Version - 1.12.2-

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